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The Raven Collection Page 10

  Sirendor, it appeared, was on good form. His eyes were bright in the firelight and his clothes made him a focus of attention for more than one of the women in the room. Indeed, The Unknown could see one eyeing him up now. She was standing near the door. Lucky bastard. He never had to work at it. They just fell at his feet then into his bed. He wondered if Sana knew just how envied she was. At the moment, though, she was looking a little irritated as she sat with her bodyguards at the table Sirendor had recently abandoned.

  The woman by the door started moving towards the fireplace. She had long auburn hair pinned back away from her eyes but bouncing about her neck, one side of which carried a black mark. Her tall, slim figure was tied into cloth trousers, dark shirt and tight leather jerkin. A deep red cloak was fastened about her neck. The Unknown shook his head. The attraction of Sirendor was seemingly irresistible whether his betrothed was present or not, and he found himself feeling a little envious. No, very envious.

  Turning past a knot of market tradesmen clashing their tankards together and roaring a toast, the woman’s eyes crossed The Unknown’s and the warrior’s blood ran cold. Inside a pale face with full lips and an exquisite nose, those eyes were flat, dark and brimful of malice. His gaze switched automatically to her hands and he caught a glint of steel. There were two men sitting by the fireplace, and cool certainty told The Unknown the woman had no interest in Sirendor Larn.

  ‘Oh, dear Gods,’ he muttered. He loosened his short sword in its scabbard, ducked under the bar top and began pushing his way through the throng.

  ‘Sirendor! Sirendor, guard yourself now!’ he yelled. He flicked a gaze to the woman, who was breasting her way quickly towards the fireplace. ‘Sirendor. To your left, dammit, your left.’ Sirendor looked over at him frowning as someone moved in front of him. ‘Out of my bloody way! Sirendor, woman, red cloak, red-brown hair, long, to your left.’

  The Unknown’s heart was racing. He sensed a change in the atmosphere in the bar, saw the woman, dagger now in hand, moving swiftly towards her quarry. She was close. She was too close, and Sirendor, looking about him with his hand straying to his sword hilt as he rose from his chair, hadn’t seen her.

  The Unknown wasn’t going to make it. The assassin was almost on Sirendor. ‘Stop her, Sirendor. For God’s sake, let me through!’

  And at the last, Sirendor, standing squarely in front of Denser, saw the assailant. As she attacked, he blocked the blow with his arm, the dagger slashing his sleeve and biting into his flesh. In the next instant, The Unknown’s blade crashed through the woman’s shoulder. She died instantly, dropping to the ground without a sound, blood spraying into the fire, where it hissed.

  The room fell instantly silent. People moved aside as Hirad, Ilkar, Talan and Richmond hurried over to the fireplace. Sirendor was sitting down again, his hand up by his face and shirt rolled back to reveal the cut. It was deep and bleeding well.

  ‘Thanks, Unknown, I didn’t see her. I - What is it?’

  The Unknown was kneeling by the woman’s body and had picked up her dagger by its hilt, examining the blade.

  ‘No! No no no, shit!’ he said and rubbed his free hand across his head.

  ‘Unknown?’ asked Hirad.

  The Unknown looked briefly at the barbarian. There were tears standing in his eyes. He shook his head and turned back to Sirendor.

  ‘I’m sorry, Sirendor. I was too slow. I’m sorry.’

  ‘Will you tell me what the hell you’re talking about, Unknown?’ Sirendor smiled, then gagged suddenly. ‘Gods, I don’t . . .’ He turned aside and vomited into the fire. ‘I’m cold,’ he said. His voice was quiet, weak. His eyes, suddenly red, turned scared to Hirad, who pushed The Unknown away and crouched by his chair. ‘Help me.’

  ‘What’s happening?’ Hirad’s heart was thumping in his chest. ‘What is it?’ He felt a hand on his shoulder.

  ‘He’s poisoned, Hirad. It’s a nerve toxin,’ said The Unknown.

  ‘Get a healer, then!’ Hirad shouted. ‘Get one now!’ The hand merely tightened its grip.

  ‘It’s too late. He’s dying.’

  ‘No he isn’t,’ grated Hirad.

  Sirendor turned a sweat-covered face to his friend and smiled through the shivers coursing his body, tears falling on his cheeks.

  ‘Don’t let me die, Hirad. We’re all going to live.’

  ‘Keep calm, Sirendor. Breathe easy. You’ll be all right.’

  Sirendor nodded. ‘It’s so cold. I’ll just . . .’ His voice faded and his eyes slipped shut.

  Hirad grabbed Sirendor’s face with both hands. It was hot and slick with sweat.

  ‘Stay with me, Larn. Don’t you leave me!’

  Sirendor’s eyelids fluttered open and his hands covered Hirad’s. They were so cold the barbarian flinched.

  ‘Sorry, Hirad. I can’t. Sorry, Hirad.’ The hands slipped to his sides, his eyes closed and he died.

  Chapter 6

  ‘Who was she?’ Sana’s eyes bore into Hirad’s, imploring him to help her understand. They were standing in the main bar just outside the back room; the Mayor and two bodyguards sat at a table near the door to The Rookery.

  Sana was calm now but her red eyes and white face were the remnants of a tempest. The Raven had lain Sirendor on the table in the back room and covered him with a sheet. Sana had burst in and torn the sheet from him, screaming at him to wake up, to come back, to open his eyes, to breathe. She’d pumped at his heart, she’d raked the hair from his forehead, she’d kissed him long on his lips, she’d clung to his hands.

  And all the while, Hirad had stood near by, half of him wanting to pull her away, the other half wanting to help her. To shake the life back into Sirendor, to see him smile. But all he did was stand there watching, fighting back his tears, his whole body quivering.

  At last Sana had turned to him and buried her face in his shoulder, sobbing quietly. He’d stroked her hair and heard the silence of The Raven and could sense the passing of what they had been.

  He’d moved her outside, and as she regained some composure, she drew back to ask her question. Hirad felt helpless. Useless.

  ‘An assassin. A Witch Hunter.’

  ‘Then why—’ Her voice caught.

  ‘She wasn’t after Sirendor. Sirendor just got in the way.’ Hirad shrugged, a stupid gesture, he knew. ‘He died saving another man.’

  ‘So? He’s still dead.’

  Hirad took and held her hands. ‘It was a risk he took every day.’

  ‘Not today. Today he was retired.’

  Hired said nothing for a moment. He smoothed away the tears rolling fresh down her cheeks.

  ‘Yes. Yes, he was,’ he said eventually. ‘I’ll get the man behind this.’

  ‘That’s your answer, is it?’

  ‘It’s the only answer I can give.’ He shrugged again.

  ‘Night has come, Hirad. Everything has gone.’ And when he looked into her eyes, he knew it was true. She gave his hand the briefest squeeze, turned and walked to her father. Hirad looked after her for a second, pushed open the door to the back room and walked inside.

  No one was talking. The fire crackled in the grate, they were all sitting holding drinks but no one was talking. Hirad moved to Sirendor’s body. The sheet had been replaced. He looked at the outline of his face beneath the covering and laid a hand on one of his friend’s, praying for the grasp of fingers he knew would never come. He turned.

  ‘Why do they want you dead, Denser?’

  ‘That’s what we just asked him,’ said Ilkar.

  ‘And what did he say?’

  ‘That he wanted you to hear it too.’

  ‘Well, I’m here now, so he can start talking.’

  ‘Come and sit down, Hirad,’ said The Unknown. ‘We poured you a drink. It won’t help but we poured it anyway.’

  Hirad nodded, walked to them and sat down in his chair. The Unknown pushed a goblet into his left hand, and with his right, Hirad reached out and felt the arm of Sirendor’s chai
r though he wouldn’t, couldn’t, look at it.

  ‘We’re listening, Denser,’ he said, his voice just holding together.

  ‘I want you to know right away that what I am about to tell you was being kept from you in your best interests.’

  ‘You are digging a deep hole,’ said The Unknown slowly. ‘We decide what is in our best interests. The result of not being able to do that lies under a shroud for all to see. We want to know exactly what you have involved us in. Exactly. Then you will go and we will talk.’

  Denser took a deep breath. ‘Firstly, I make no apologies for being Xeteskian. It is simply a moral code, and much of what is said about us is fabrication. Our past, however, is not blameless.’

  ‘You know something, Denser, you have a gift for understatement, ’ said Ilkar.

  ‘We could have such fascinating discussions, Ilkar.’

  ‘I doubt it.’

  ‘Right,’ said Denser after a pause. ‘You heard what Gresse was saying, and his information is all too accurate. The Wesmen tribes are rising and uniting, the Shamen are running the organisation, the Elder Councils are working in concert and we are seeing subjugation of local populations practically in the shadow of the Blackthorne Mountains.’

  The Unknown Warrior sat up straight. ‘Just how far east are we talking about?’

  ‘We’ve had an eyewitness account from a village called Terenetsa, three days’ ride from Understone Pass,’ said Denser.

  ‘Gods, that’s close,’ breathed Talan. ‘No wonder Gresse wanted Blackthorne warned.’

  ‘I fail to see what this has to do with the death of my friend,’ muttered Hirad.

  ‘Please,’ said Denser. ‘This is relevant, believe me. We’ve had mage spies in the west for several months now and the picture is grim. We estimate that Wesmen armies approaching sixty thousand already armed and training are gathered in the Heartlands. An invasion of the east is surely imminent and we have no defence. There is no four-College alliance and the KTA has a tenth the armed strength it had three hundred years ago.’

  ‘But what chance do they really have?’ Ilkar was dismissive. ‘A couple of thousand mages alone could stop their advance. They don’t have the Wytch Lords for magical support this time.’

  ‘I’m very much afraid that they do,’ said Denser.

  The fire crackling in the grate was suddenly the only sound. Talan’s glass stopped halfway to his lips. Ilkar opened his mouth to speak but didn’t.

  Richmond shook his head. ‘Hold on,’ he said. ‘I understood them to be destroyed.’

  ‘You can’t destroy them,’ said Ilkar. ‘We never knew how and we still don’t. All Xetesk could do was trap them without a means to escape.’ He switched his gaze to the Xetesk mage. ‘What happened?’

  Denser breathed in deeply and knocked the bowl of his pipe against the fire grate. He filled it as he spoke, his cat sleeping on his lap. ‘When we destroyed Parve, it was to remove all vestiges of the Wytch Lords’ power base from Balaia. It was never intended that that action would end the Wytch Lords themselves. While their bodies burned, their souls ran free and we trapped them inside a mana cage and launched it into interdimensional space.’ The cat stirred. ‘We’ve been watching it ever since.’

  ‘Watching what?’ asked Richmond.

  ‘The cage. We and we alone have kept unfailing watch on the Wytch Lords’ prison for three hundred years. As others refuse to accept us, so we refuse to accept the word of those who claim ultimate victory.’ He shrugged.

  ‘Clearly, you were right,’ said Ilkar.

  Denser nodded. ‘We’ve noted increased dimensional transference, probably through Dragonene action, for some time. One particular move damaged the cage. We thought it was rectifiable.’ He scratched his head, then lit his pipe from a flame produced on the tip of his thumb. ‘We were wrong. Mana must have entered the cage because the Wytch Lords are no longer inside. We believe them to be back in Balaia. In Parve.’

  Ilkar massaged his nose and pulled at his lips with his right hand. His eyes narrowed.

  ‘How long have they been there?’ he asked.

  ‘Who cares?’ said Hirad. ‘I’m still waiting to—’

  ‘Hold on, Hirad.’

  ‘No, Ilkar, I will not bloody hold on.’ Hirad raised his voice. He turned on Denser. ‘You might as well have been talking tribal Wessen for all I’ve understood so far. You’ve got your stupid pipe stuck in your stupid mouth and you’ve balled on about dimensions, Dragonene and some old threat that’s been gone hundreds of years like it was important. I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about and I’m no nearer knowing why that Witch Hunter bastard killed my friend.’

  ‘I sympathise with your need to understand,’ said Denser gently.

  ‘You have absolutely no idea what I need, Xetesk man.’ Hirad’s voice was gruff. He drained his glass and passed it to The Unknown for a refill. ‘You have no idea of the gulf that has opened up in my life and you are running in circles around the answer to the only question that could help me begin to grieve. Why did that assassin want you dead so badly?’

  Denser paused before replying. ‘I’m trying to make sure this all comes out the right way round,’ he said. ‘Can I explain a few other things first?’

  ‘No, you can explain one. Why did that assassin want you dead?’

  Denser sighed. ‘Because of what I am carrying.’

  ‘And what is that exactly?’ asked Hirad.

  ‘This.’ He pulled the amulet stolen from Sha-Kaan from his shirt, where it had been hanging on a chain around his neck. ‘It’s the key to Septern’s workshop.’

  ‘Couldn’t you just kick the door down?’ Hirad’s voice was layered with contempt. ‘I mean, is that it? Is that trinket why Sirendor died?’ He caught Ilkar’s expression and stayed his next words. ‘What is it, Ilkar?’

  The elf snapped his gaze to Hirad and focused on him as if from a great distance.

  ‘Dawnthief,’ he breathed, his face white as death. ‘He’s going after Dawnthief.’

  Erienne was settling Aron and Thom down to sleep when Isman walked into the room unannounced. She had been allowed the entire afternoon and evening with them and had chosen to tell them stories of old magic. Neither child strayed far from the comfort of her arms.

  At her insistence, the fire had been lit and the single window opened all day, though her request for the boys to be allowed to play in the inner courtyard was refused.

  She had spent some time calming their fears before they would listen to her words; and as usual, none were wasted in her pursuit of their detailed education in the ways of Dordovan magic. She spoke of the ancient days, when the Colleges were one and the first City of magic was built at Triverne Lake, and of the darker days of the sundering, when the City was raised and the Colleges split to build their own strongholds. And she talked of the lore which governed the lives of all mages and distanced one College’s mages from the others, and of the mana with which they shaped their spells.

  The boys tired as the light faded, and she built up the fire. They took a dinner of hot soup, potatoes and green leaves in near silence. She washed their faces and brushed their hair. The Captain had left flannels and a brush in the room, saying a man should always look neat and dignified. Erienne wished he’d take his own counsel.

  Isman’s intrusion came with her humming a tune to the boys as they nodded off, jerking them back to a startled, anxious wakefulness.

  ‘Could you not have knocked?’ Erienne didn’t turn round at the sound of boots on the cold stone floor.

  ‘The Captain will see you now,’ said Isman.

  ‘When my boys are asleep,’ said Erienne, keeping her voice soft and stroking her sons’ heads to soothe them. Their eyes played over her face, anxiety plain in the frowns they wore. Her anger stirred.

  ‘The Captain feels you have spent enough time with them for now.’

  ‘I will be the judge of that,’ hissed Erienne.

  ‘No,’ said Isman. ‘You will not.�

  At last she turned to the door. Isman stood in the room with three other men behind him. She leaned into the boys and kissed each on the forehead.

  ‘I have to go now,’ she whispered. ‘Be good and go to sleep. I’ll be back to see you soon.’ She smoothed their hair from their faces.

  Rising, she faced Isman and his henchmen, every fibre screaming at her to take them apart. And she could, all of them. But her boys would die as a direct consequence. They had no way to escape the castle grounds and the Captain had too many men. She bit back the spell, mana flow ceasing.

  ‘You didn’t need your muscle,’ she said. ‘I’m not going to cause trouble.’

  ‘You and yours already have,’ said Isman. He led the way to the library.

  Despite the warmth cast by the fires still burning in the room, the air felt cool. The Captain was seated behind the reading desk, two soft lanterns illuminating the book he was studying. A half-empty bottle of spirits stood to his left and beside it, a freshly replenished glass. He didn’t look up as she approached across the rugs as prompted by Isman, who withdrew, closing the door behind him.

  ‘Sit.’ The Captain waved his hand at a hard-backed chair the other side of the desk. ‘Tell me,’ he said, not looking up, ‘why Xetesk might be after Dawnthief?’

  ‘I should think that would be obvious,’ said Erienne.

  The Captain regarded her bleakly, his voice chill. ‘Assume that it is not.’

  ‘Ownership of Dawnthief guarantees domination for its owners. Why do you think they should want it?’ She kept her face calm, but inside, her mind was in turmoil and her heart beat feverishly in her chest. She’d kept the thoughts from her mind while she was with Aron and Thom, but now the enormity of what the Captain had intimated earlier was scaring her.

  ‘There isn’t much written about it, you see,’ he said. ‘How much should I be worrying about it? Can Xetesk find it?’

  ‘Gods, yes, we should all worry about it!’

  ‘Can they find it?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ Erienne bit her lip.