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The Raven Collection Page 3
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Page 3
‘You can’t help him by rushing in.’
‘Well, what can we do?’ hissed Sirendor.
‘I’m not sure.’ Denser shrugged. ‘I might be able to do something. You might as well get your friends. They won’t find anything out there and they could prove useful in here.’
Sirendor paused in the act of heading for the door. ‘Nothing stupid, you understand? If he dies because of you . . .’
Denser nodded. ‘I’ll wait.’
‘See that you do.’ Sirendor left the antechamber at a sprint, not realising he was about to confirm all of Ilkar’s fears.
Hirad would have run, only he’d come too far into the room, and anyway, he didn’t think his legs would support him, they were shaking that badly. He just stood and stared.
The Dragon’s head was resting on its front claws and the first coherent thought that entered Hirad’s mind was that from the bottom of its lower jaw to the top of its head, it was getting on for as tall as he was. The mouth itself must have been more than three feet across, the whole muzzle probably five in depth. Those eyes sat atop, and at the base of, the muzzle. They were close set, rimmed with thick horn, and the pupils were narrow black slits, ringed in a startling blue. A pronounced ridge of bone ran away over the Dragon’s head towards its spine, and Hirad could see the mound of its body behind it, huge and shining.
As he watched, it carefully unfurled its wings and the reason for the size of the room became all too obvious. With their roots at the top of the torso, above the front limbs, the wings stretched to what must have been forty feet on either side, and flapped lazily. With the balance afforded by them, the Dragon picked its head from the floor and stood upright.
Even with its slender, bone-edged neck arched so its eyes never left Hirad, it towered sixty feet into the hall. Its tail curled away to the left and was thicker than a man’s body even at its tip. Stretched out, the Dragon would surely have been well in excess of one hundred and twenty feet in length, but now it rested on two massive rear limbs, each foot carrying a quartet of claws bigger than the barbarian’s head. And it was gold, all over - skin glistening in the firelight and sparkling on the walls.
Hirad could hear its breathing, slow and deep. It opened its mouth wide, revealing long rows of fangs, and saliva dripped to the floor to evaporate on contact.
It raised a forelimb, single hooked claw extended. Hirad took an involuntary pace backwards. He swallowed hard, sweat suddenly covering his body. He was quaking from head to foot.
‘Fuck me,’ he breathed.
Hirad had always believed that he’d die with his sword in his hand but, in the moments before the huge claw dismembered him, it seemed such a futile gesture. A calmness replaced the instant’s fury that had itself so quickly followed his fear, and he sheathed his blade and looked straight into the creature’s eyes.
The blow never came. Instead, the Dragon retracted its claw, unarched its neck and moved its head down and forwards, coming to a stop no more than three paces from Hirad, hot, sour breath firing into his face.
‘Interesting,’ it said in a voice that echoed through Hirad’s entire being. The barbarian’s legs finally gave way and he sat heavily on the tiled floor. His mouth was wide, his jaws were moving but no sound came.
‘Now,’ said the Dragon. ‘Let us talk about a few things.’
Chapter 2
‘Who are these Dragonene, then?’ hissed Sirendor.
Ilkar turned to him. ‘All mages. They have, I don’t know, an affinity, you know, with Dragons.’ He gestured uselessly.
‘No, I don’t bloody know! Dragons don’t exist. They are just rumour and myth.’ Sirendor’s voice was still barely more than a whisper.
‘Oh yeah? Well that’s one hell of a big myth I can see in there!’ Ilkar’s ears pricked.
‘Does it really matter?’ The Unknown’s voice, though quiet, still carried all its power. ‘We only have one question that needs answering now.’
The Raven trio and Denser were all crowded around the partially open door to the Dragon’s chamber, animosity forgotten for a while. Hirad sat with his back to them, his hands on the floor behind his back, and his legs drawn half up. The Dragon’s head was scant feet from the barbarian’s, the huge mound of its body resting on the ground, its wings folded. It was the scale of it all that Ilkar found so hard to take in.
Never mind that he had only half believed the books and the teaching. He had still imagined Dragons and he imagined they would be big; but Hirad looked so tiny in comparison that he had to look away and back before he decided that Sirendor was wrong and they weren’t seeing an illusion. And he still didn’t really believe it.
‘He should be dead,’ muttered The Unknown, his hands tightening and untightening around the hilt of his sword. ‘Why hasn’t it killed him?’
‘We think they’re talking,’ said Denser.
‘What?’ Ilkar couldn’t hear a thing. As far as he was concerned they were just staring at each other. But as Ilkar watched, his powerful eyes giving the scene complete clarity, Hirad shook his head and straightened his back so he could use his hands to make a gesture. He indicated behind him and said something but the mage couldn’t pick out the words. The Dragon cocked its head to one side and opened its mouth, revealing the massed ranks of its fangs. Liquid dripped to the floor and Hirad started.
‘What do you mean, “we”?’ demanded Sirendor. Denser didn’t reply.
‘Later, Sirendor,’ said The Unknown. ‘We have to think of something to do. Quickly.’
‘What the hell can they be talking about?’ No one had an answer. Ilkar looked back to the unreal scene in the huge chamber and a glint caught his eye. For a moment he assumed it was a reflection off the Dragon’s beautiful scales but it wasn’t a golden colour, more a steel or a silver.
He stared hard, using all the range that his eyes afforded him, and there it was: a small disc, maybe a palm’s width across and attached to a chain which seemed to be caught around one of the Dragon’s large hind-foot claws. He pointed it out to Denser.
‘Where?’ asked the other mage.
‘Its right foot, third talon along.’ Ilkar pointed the way. Denser shook his head.
‘Those are good eyes, aren’t they? Hold on.’ Denser mumbled a few words and rubbed a thumb on either eye. He looked again and tensed.
‘What is it? Don’t try to—’
‘Just pray Hirad keeps it talking,’ said Denser, and he began mumbling again.
‘What are you talking about?’ hissed Ilkar. ‘What have you seen?’
‘Trust me. I can save him,’ said Denser. ‘And just be ready to run.’ He took a pace forwards and disappeared.
‘Look, this is really hard for me to take in,’ said Hirad. The Dragon put its head on one side and stretched its jaws a little. A line of saliva dripped from a fang and Hirad moved his leg reflexively to avoid it.
‘Explain,’ ordered the Dragon, the word bypassing the barbarian’s ears on its way to thump through his skull.
‘Well, you have to understand that never in my wildest drunken dreams did I ever imagine I’d be sitting and talking to a - a Dragon.’ He gestured and raised his eyebrows. ‘I mean I . . .’ He trailed off. The Dragon flared its nostrils and Hirad felt his hair move in the breeze of its breath. He had to fight himself not to gag at the smell, rotten with that burned sourness.
‘And now?’ it asked.
‘I’m absolutely terrified.’ Hirad felt cold. He was still shivering intermittently and he felt as though his sweat was freezing on his body, yet the room was hot, very hot. Large fires crackled and snapped in ten grates set around the far half of the hall, surrounding the Dragon on three sides, and the beast himself was sitting in what looked like soft wet mud. He rested back on his hands once again.
‘Fear is healthy. As is knowing when you are beaten. That is why you are still alive.’ The Dragon twitched its left wing. ‘So, tell me, what are you doing here?’
‘We were chasing someone. He
came in here.’
‘Yes, I thought that you would not be by yourself. Who were you chasing?’
The barbarian couldn’t help but smile; the whole situation was getting quite beyond him. Although he was, he was sure, talking to a beast he had only heard of in rumour, he couldn’t dispel the idea that it was all some kind of illusion. Something with a sensible explanation, anyway.
‘A mage. His men killed one of my friends. We want him . . . have you . . . seen anyone?’ said Hirad. It was simply too much. ‘Look, I’m sorry, but I’m having trouble even believing you exist.’
The Dragon laughed, or at least it was a sound that Hirad thought was laughter. It boomed around his skull like waves striking a cliff and he juddered and closed his eyes as the pain that followed smashed at his brain. And then those fangs were inches from his face and the nostrils blew gouts of hot air into his eyes. Hirad started violently but before he could experience the shock of the Dragon’s speed of movement, it twitched its head up, catching him on the point of his jaw. He was hurled backwards to slide across the tiles, coming to rest, dazed. He sat up and massaged his chin, blood running from a deep graze.
‘And now, little man, do you still have trouble believing I exist?’
‘I . . . No, I don’t think so . . .’
‘And nor you should. Seran believes in me, although he has failed me now. And your friends beyond that door. I am sure they believe.’ The Dragon’s voice inside his head was louder now. Hirad got to his feet and walked towards the beast, shaking his head to clear his mind of the fog that encased it.
‘Yes, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend.’ Hirad’s heart was pounding in his throat once more. Another sound from the Dragon. Perhaps another laugh, but this time it sounded dismissive, somehow.
‘But you questioned my very existence,’ said the Dragon. ‘Perhaps you are lucky that I am slow to offend. Or perhaps that I am slow to question yours.’ Hirad tried to slow his breathing and think, but there seemed to be no way out. The only question remaining was how long before the Dragon tired of the game and snuffed out his life.
‘Yes.’ Hirad shrugged and waited to die. ‘But you must understand that you were the last thing I expected to find here.’
‘Ah.’ Feelings of amusement arose in Hirad’s mind. ‘Then I have disappointed you. Perhaps I should be apologising to you.’ The Dragon laughed again. More quietly this time, more in thought than in mirth.
There was a faint rustling by Hirad’s left ear, then a voice, just audible:
‘Don’t react to my voice and don’t say anything. I am Denser, the man you are after, and I’m trying to help you.’ He paused. ‘So when I say run, run hard. Don’t argue and don’t look back.’
‘Now, little man. Ask me a question.’
‘What?’ Hirad blinked and returned his attention to the Dragon, amazed that he could forget, however momentarily, that it was there.
‘Ask. There must be something you want to know about me.’ The Dragon withdrew its head somewhat, its neck arching high above the mound of its body.
‘All right then. Why didn’t you kill me?’
‘Because your reaction in putting up your sword set you as different from other men I have encountered. It made you interesting, and very few humans are interesting.’
‘If you say so. So what are you doing here?’
‘Resting. Recovering. I am safe here.’
Hirad frowned. ‘Safe from what?’ The Dragon shifted. Moving its hind feet slightly further apart, it placed its head on the floor once more and stared deep into Hirad’s eyes, blinking slowly.
‘My world is at war. We are devastating our lands and there is no end in sight. When we need to recover our strength we use safe havens like this.’
‘And where exactly is this?’ Hirad’s gaze took in the high roof and the scale of the chamber.
‘At least you have the sense to know you are not in your own dimension.’
‘I’ve no idea what you’re talking about with dimensions. I’m sorry. All I know is that Taranspike Castle does not have a room this size.’
The Dragon chuckled again. ‘So simple. If only you knew the effort it took for you to stand here.’ It lifted its head slightly and shook it from side to side, closing its eyes. It spoke again without opening them. ‘The moment you left Seran’s chambers, you entered a robing room. That room is not placed in any one dimension, neither is this chamber nor the prayer chamber you also must have seen. If you like, this is a corridor between dimensions, yours and mine. Its existence is reliant on the fabric of your dimension remaining intact.’ Now the head raced in again, the Dragon’s wings bracing slightly to compensate for the sudden movement. ‘My Brood serve as protectors for your world, keeping you from the attentions of enemy Broods and with-holding from you that which should never have been created.’
‘Why do you bother?’
‘Do not think it is for any liking of your insignificant peoples. Very few of you are worthy of our respect. It is simply that if we allowed you the means to destroy yourselves and you succeeded in so doing, we would lose our haven for ever. That is also why the door to your world is kept closed. Other Broods might otherwise choose to travel here to rule.’
Hirad thought on that for a moment. ‘So what you’re saying is that you hold the future for all of us.’
The Dragon raised the bone ridges that served as its eyebrows. ‘That is certainly one conclusion you could reach. Now - what is your name?’
‘Hirad Coldheart.’
‘And I am Sha-Kaan. You are strong, Hirad Coldheart. I was right to spare you and speak to you and I will know you again. But now I must have rest. Take your companions and go. The entrance will be sealed behind you. You will never find me again, though I may find you. As for Seran, I will have to find another to serve me. I have no time for a Dragonene who cannot secure my sanctuary.’
It took the barbarian several heartbeats to take in what he had just heard and he still didn’t believe it. ‘You’re letting me go?’
‘Why not?’
‘Run. Hirad. Run now.’
The Dragon’s head swept from the floor at speed, eyes ablaze, searching for the source of the new sound. But Denser remained invisible. Hirad hesitated.
‘Run!’ Denser shouted, the voice some way to Hirad’s left.
The barbarian looked up at Sha-Kaan and their eyes met for an instant. He saw raw fury. ‘Oh, no,’ he breathed. The Dragon broke eye-contact to look down at its right hind foot. Hirad turned and ran.
‘NO!’ Now Sha-Kaan’s voice was there for all to hear, and it echoed from the walls. ‘Give back what you have taken from me!’
‘Over here!’ shouted Denser, and as Hirad glanced right, the mage appeared briefly some thirty paces right along the wall from the double doors. The Dragon cocked its head and breathed in his direction, fire scorching a wall, rolling up to the ceiling and incinerating wood and tapestry, but Denser had already disappeared. An oppressive wave of heat washed over Hirad. He stumbled, crying out, gasping momentarily for breath, the roar of the flame and its detonation in the air shaking him to his core. The entire hall seemed to be ablaze; the sweat beaded on his face. Through the smoke and burning threads of tapestry he saw The Unknown appear at the door, holding it open for him. A shadow passed through it and then he heard the Dragon rise to its feet. The Unknown paled visibly.
‘Run, Hirad. Run!’ he screamed. The Dragon took a pace forward, and then another, Hirad feeling the ground shudder beneath its feet.
‘Bring back what you have stolen!’ it boomed. Hirad made the door.
‘Close it!’ shouted The Unknown. He and Sirendor leant their weights against it. ‘Go, go!’ They scrambled for the doors into the central chamber. Ilkar and Denser sprinted away with Sirendor in close pursuit. Sha-Kaan breathed again and the huge double doors exploded inwards, fragmenting, sending wood and metal against the walls to splinter, twist and smoulder. The shock sent Hirad sprawling and he crashed into the wall tha
t backed the unlit fireplace, burning shards of wood covering the floor and his boots, the intense heat suffocating him. He lay confused for a second, seeing nothing but flame, then looked straight at Sha-Kaan as the Dragon drew more air into its lungs, its head thrust through the wreckage of the crested doors.
The barbarian closed his eyes, waiting for the end, but a hand reached round and grabbed his collar, hauling him to his feet and through the right-hand of the two doors into the central chamber. The Unknown dragged him under the overhang of the fire grate as twin lances of flame seared through the openings, one to either side of them, disintegrating wood and howling away towards the opposite wall, melting the metal of the Dragonene crest above the fire to the right.
‘Come on, Hirad. It’s time to leave,’ said the big warrior, and he pushed Hirad towards the exit passage after the rest of the retreating party.
‘Bring back the amulet!’ roared Sha-Kaan. ‘Hirad Coldheart, bring back the amulet!’ Hirad hesitated again, but The Unknown shoved him into the passage as another burst of flame lashed the large chamber, its pulse of heat stealing breath and singeing hair.
‘Quickly!’ shouted Sirendor from up ahead. ‘The exit is closing. We can’t hold it.’
The two men upped their pace, tearing down the passageway and into the robing room. Another roll of flame boiled into the prayer chamber, its tendrils lashing down the passage, licking at Hirad’s back, the heat crinkling leather. Down the short entry tunnel Hirad could see Ilkar, arms outstretched, sweating in the light of a lantern as whatever spell he had cast kept the door at bay. But as he ran, he could see it inching closed. Ilkar sighed and closed his eyes.
‘He’s losing it!’ yelled Denser. ‘He’s losing it. Run faster!’ The door was sliding closed, the mage’s bedroom disappearing with every step. Sha-Kaan’s howls were loud in their ears. The Unknown and Hirad made it through, bowling Ilkar on to the floor as they did so. The door closed with a dull thud and the Dragon’s voice was silenced.